Developer Interop unlock + Max number unsigned apps + prevent relocking
21 Languages + 12 Themes + 18 Accents
Please make sure to read the INSTRUCTIONS
Deepshining v 2.0
Based on Mozart_S_HTC_5.10.411.01_5.69.09_RELEASE
. FULL-UNLOCK - Homebrew apps working (TouchXplorer, Advanced Config, Registry Edit, etc...)
. Internet Sharing (Tethering)
. Now with 18 Accents including Black Nokia and Jill Sander´s.
. Fix email reply bug when using the black accent color
. Portuguese Brazil language
. IE9 - Google translator and Mobile View added to IE9 Settings
. DeepShining Theme
. More SMS and Email Alerts
. Transparent Wallpapers
. Fix Camera menu bugs
. Retouch Start bootlogo
. Add Google to default Search Provider list - Now you can choose between Google or Bing as default search engine
. VS2010 debuger now working
. Full support for Chinnese, Korean and Japanese Languages
. Fixed some issues with severall languages (files missing)
. Some registry feature Tweaks
Deepshining v 3.0 additions
. HTC Europe 5.13.401.01 Build
. DFT Full Unlocked
. IE9 XAP Deploy
Homebrew apps cooked - Registry Edit, Advanced Config 1.5, TouchXplorer, Supreme Shortcuts and BatteryStatus.
. WM6.5 ported apps like Opera Mini working
. Second bootlogo and new deepshining splashscreen.
. Xboxlive games fully working, no more crashing.
. New Custom Deepshining Ringtones and more lockscreen wallpapers.
. Twenty40 Theme and Accent added.
. Increased speed
. Minor Registry changes
Tested on HTC Mozart T8698
*read the warranty and important notes below*
Here are the steps >
A. Download >
Windows Mobile Device Center Download
Turn off the Phone - Volume Down Hold and Power On.
or Follow 'Going to NoDo from Mango'
C. If you have a Mango with SPL 4.xx or 5.xx (If your phone has Internet Sharing then its this version) then Flash the NODO ROM Directly - follow this page from step D. NoDo ROM installation
Once done follow the rest >>

C. If you have a Mango with SPL 4.xx or 5.xx (If your phone has Internet Sharing then its this version) then Flash the NODO ROM Directly - follow this page from step D. NoDo ROM installation
Once done follow the rest >>
D. RSLP Configuration
1. Extract the files from RAR archive.
2. Run DFT_RSPL_WP7FG1_LAUNCH (with administrative rights to access USB)
3. Mindfully reads information text. Press “Next” button.
4. Reset your device and hold “Volume Down” button during reset to enter OSPL mode.
5. Connect your device to PC via USB cable.
6. Now you may need to install proper USB drivers. They come with Active Sync / Windows Mobile Device Center.
7. Install drivers if required.
8. Make sure device show “USB” at the bottom instead of “Serial”.
9. Press “Next” button in the wizard. It should detect your phone.
10. If you are using WCEUSBHS driver under Windows Vista/7 (for MTTY or MAGLDR TTY for example), you should apply “Windows XP compatible mode” in the properties of EXE file to get connection.
11. After successful connection it should show device codename and allows to choose installed OSPL version.
12. You should look at the screen and select OSPL version in drop down list box. You need do this because it’s not possible to detect installed version via USB.

D. Deepshining ROM installation

You are done....have fun.
Stuff to know:
1. If you have MANGO with SPL 4.xx or 5.xx in your device, flash the NODO ROM first- otherwise you´ll brick it.
2. You must have RSPL/HSPL installed in your device.
3. Before doing any operations be sure you have battery level more than 50%!
4. Download and flash DeepShining ROM.
Warranty Issues
Be warned, using RSPL may void your warranty.
If you need to send your device to a Repair Centre, make sure that it looks like stock! Install stock official ROM before go to Repair Centre.
SPL is Secondary Program Loader. It allows to flash ROMs to device.
Without working SPL device is fully bricked, you can’t restore it. It’s why all operations with SPL are dangerous.
OSPL is Original SPL. This SPL comes with stock ROM and doesn’t allow to flash custom stuffs.
RSPL is Reloaded SPL. It load only to RAM, so it doesn’t persistent. It’s enough to soft reset device to get OSPL back.
HSPL is Hard SPL. It’s permanently flashed to internal device memory and replaces OSPL. After soft reset you still have HSPL instead of OSPL.
This release consists from RSPL and HSPL wizards.
For regular users, who flash ROMs rather rare, it can be enough to use only RSPL.
For advanced users and ROM makers, it can be useful to install HSPL.
1. Before doing any operations be sure you have battery level more than 50%!
Sometimes in SPL mode WP7F devices DO NOT charge. You may got a cold brick if it power down during SPL or RADIO update!
2. Stock RUU ROMs have two NBH inside, SPL_Signed and RUU_Signed.
So it's not possible directly flash stock ROM, you need extract files and remove SPL_Signed.nbh at least.
3. Rememeber if you have HSPL and you flashing stock RUU_Signed.nbh you lost HSPL!
4. Supported OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7.
Warranty Issues
Be warned, using RSPL may void your warranty.
If you need to send your device to a Repair Centre, make sure that it looks like stock! Install stock official ROM before go to Repair Centre.
This product is free to use at your own risk. We take no responsibility for any conflict, fault, or damage caused by this procedure. No warranties implied or otherwise, are given if you agree to use this product. No problems were found while testing this product on several different devices, your experience may vary.
Use of the Product for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
It’s not allowed to make changes to this package; it must be distributed as original release.
this method works on any WP7 device? or it's just for htc's? i got a lumia 800